It's Ok to Just be Weird

I've been thinking a lot lately about the social pressures and stereotypes of being a person who engages with the paranormal. To first tackle the stereotype bit, I think that when someone hears you say you're into the paranormal, they likely conjure an image of a person in a dark room surrounded by gadgets and looking very serious. Or they might conjure the image of someone with flowing garb surrounded by tarot and crystal bowls. 

Let me stop and say right now - there's nothing wrong with either one of these images. I consider myself a paranormal researcher, I love using my crystal singing bowl, and I have too many tarot/oracle decks to even count. 

People contain multitudes and I think we easily forget this when it comes to the paranormal. 

Download the first edition of "From the Archives" here! 

In this downloadable booklet, you will get 4 historic, spooky, full-length newspaper articles about poltergeists, messengers of death, and more! 

You will also receive 12 scholarly resources in 3 'quick-start' bibliographies of ESP, ghosts, and psychokinesis! Jumpstart your paranormal research reading list here!

You will also receive 2 printable bookmarks. 
